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Hello! This section will find a growing collection of books/audiobooks and other resources from where I learn the science behind food and our bodies, which had inspired me to create LiveliFOOD. It is OK if you don’t have time to read all these books; I created short animations - more on the works - that explain complex health topics simply and engagingly.
But if you want to dig deeper into some of the topics we talk about at LiveliFOOD this list is for you.
Happy reading!

Richtel, NY 2019, An elegant defense: the extraordinary new science of the immune system, William Morrow NY.

Marklund, M 2017, The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer, Greystone Books, Vancouver, Canada.

Lugavere, L 2018, Genius Foods, HarperCollins, New York.

Gillespie, G 2008, Sweet Poison: why sugar makes us fat, Penguin Books, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Fetell Lee, FL 2018, Joyful: the surprising power of ordinary things to create extraordinary happiness, Little Brown Spark, New York.

James, J 2015, The Wild Diet, Avery, New York.

Safran Foer, SF 2019 We Are the Weather: saving the planet begins at breakfast. Available at: (Downloaded: 3 April 2019).

Gillespie, G 2010. The Sweet Poison Quit Plan. Available at (downloaded 23 March 2019).

Fuhrman, F 2011, Super Immunity: the essential nutrition guide for boosting your body’s defenses to live longer, stronger, and disease free, HarpeCollins, New York.

Bulsiewicz, B 2020, Fiber Fueled, Avery, New York.

Safran Foer, SF 2009 , Eating Animals, Little Brown Company, New York.

Taubes, T 2016 , The Case Against Sugar, Knopf Publishing Group, New York.
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